Much is said and written about Talent Development, particularly about the acquisition of skills through training, on the job and off.
Yet just as important as skills is mindset. What is your talent’s view of their world?
Three critical dimensions are scope, orientation and ambition:
Scope. Does Talent in your organisation think about their contribution to:
Strategic Business Units (Profit centre + Balance Sheet + Relationships + Competitiveness)?
Profit Centres (Activities + Costs + Benefits + Resources/Assets)? or
Activities (may include costs)?
Orientation. Does Talent in your organisation think about contribution through:
Processes/Portfolios (past decisions)?
Projects/Programmes (current changes)?
Partnerships/capabilities (future potentialities)?
Ambition. Does Talent in your organisation think about the magnitude of their contribution as:
Status quo?
- Improvement (+10%)? or
- Transformation (>200%)?
If your talent’s mindset is not aligned with your organisation’s needs, what are you going to do about it?
Changing mindset isn’t easy. But it can be done, if you try. If you don’t try, it won’t change. If you don’t know what your talent’s mindset is, you won’t even know whether, and how, it needs to change.