Talent Management Programmes normally fail because HR/L&D/Training executives fail to consider the big picture. Talent Management can only deliver benefits if it is part of a broader change in the behaviour of the organisation.
Conditions for success for a Talent Management Programme to deliver business value
1. Do you have a Talent Management Programme JUSTIFIED? Do you have evidence for the following statements?
a. ‘Realisation of the planned impact of our Talent Management Programme is essential (i.e. no other approach would work) to our Business Strategy’
b. ‘Our Talent Management Programme will almost certainly realise its objectives’
c. ‘The return on investment in our Talent Management Programme is expected to substantially exceed the cost in terms of cash outlay, time commitment and management distraction’
2. Is your Talent Management Programme FEASIBLE? Do you have evidence for the following statements?
a. ‘The overall principles, approach, methodology and techniques for our Talent Management Programme are proven’
b. ‘Our Talent Management Programme has sufficient appropriate resources for design, execution and follow-up’
c. ‘Participants, and their bosses, peers and subordinates have the prerequisite skills, knowledge and experience to benefit as intended from our Talent Management Programme’
3. Is your Talent Management Programme DESIRABLE? Do you have evidence for the following statements?
a. ‘Senior Management’s interests and incentives are aligned with their necessary commitment to our Talent Management Programme’
b. ‘All Participants have sufficient incentive to not only learn, but also to change subsequently their roles and behaviour, in order for the intended impact of our Talent Management Programme to be realised
c. ‘All bosses, peers and subordinates or participants have incentives to support learning and change before, during and after Talent Management Programme Initiatives’
In my experience, the weakest link is very often 3c, leading to all of the investment in development of strengthened capabilities, but none of the returns!